Jonas Trollvik
2008-10-16 20:33:28 UTC
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Alex <***> wrote:
After scripting with amnesiac for a couple of years I still have
problems locating functions and know what functions work on what. Part
of the problem is that the function list is really huge. Another
problem is that there is no way of knowing what functions work on what
by reading the names.
Maybe we should have a standard convention to make it easier to locate
functions when you need them. For instance prefixing list functions
with list_ or list and string functions with str or str_.
Obviously it's hard to change already existing functions since this
would break backwards compatibility, but anyways it would nice to see a
naming convention plan.
What do you guys think?
Don't take this as criticism, I greatly value the work you guys are
putting into this.
NB. Will you add this to the help wiki ?
Best regards,
Jonas Trollvik
also known as kreca
Added function shiftseg() which takes two parameters: a 'token' to look for,
and the name of a variable to find the token in. REMOVES everything up to
that 'token' and returns it. Please note that the variable provided should
NOT include the $, since the function actually modifies the variable itself
too. The token argument is a dword, so things like "first name:" can be
tokens as well.
-Snapand the name of a variable to find the token in. REMOVES everything up to
that 'token' and returns it. Please note that the variable provided should
NOT include the $, since the function actually modifies the variable itself
too. The token argument is a dword, so things like "first name:" can be
tokens as well.
After scripting with amnesiac for a couple of years I still have
problems locating functions and know what functions work on what. Part
of the problem is that the function list is really huge. Another
problem is that there is no way of knowing what functions work on what
by reading the names.
Maybe we should have a standard convention to make it easier to locate
functions when you need them. For instance prefixing list functions
with list_ or list and string functions with str or str_.
Obviously it's hard to change already existing functions since this
would break backwards compatibility, but anyways it would nice to see a
naming convention plan.
What do you guys think?
Don't take this as criticism, I greatly value the work you guys are
putting into this.
NB. Will you add this to the help wiki ?
Best regards,
Jonas Trollvik
also known as kreca